Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

06-01 Cochlear Implants

06-01 Cochlear Implants

Q 1. Is deafness a disability? 2. Discuss the pros and cons of deaf parents letting their deaf son decide whether to get a cochlear implant when he is a teenager as opposed to getting the implant when he is an infant.3. Is the cochlear implant procedure a necessity or a luxury?4. Is it ethical for parents to make a decision about something they have no way of experiencing?

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Deafness is not considered as a disability. It is a physical disorder which can be taken care of by hearing aids or cochlear implants. But still some people with deafness consider themselves to be disabled, while some people think they are not. The opinion actually varies from person to person. Disability means when the problem is creating a hindrance for the person. But regarding deafness, there are solutions like sign language which completely omit the necessity of hearing and it perfectly aids communication.